Pass your MA RMV Learner's Permit Test the First Time
The Massachusetts RMV Learner’s Permit Test is a 25 question exam where you must answer 18 questions correctly in order to pass. No worries: You can pass the Massachusetts permit test easily with help from The Next Street.
- You must be at least 16 years old to test for your learner’s permit.
- You do not need your learner’s permit to start driver’s ed. In fact, we recommend you take a few classes before testing, as much of the material on the test is covered in the first classes
- In addition to the written test, your vision will be tested. If you wear glasses or contacts, be sure to bring them with you on test day.
Learner’s Permit Vision Test
The first part of the MA Permit Test is a vision test. If you wear glasses or contacts, be sure to bring them with you. If you’re having trouble with your vision, get a checkup with your eye doctor prior to going to the RMV. You don’t want the RMV Vision Test to be when you realize you need glasses. If you fail your Vision Test, you will not be able to take the Knowledge Test and you will need to schedule another test date (2-3 months down the road).
Learner's Permit Knowledge Test
After you pass your vision test, the second part of the MA Permit Test is a knowledge test. The Knowledge Test is a 25 question, multiple choice exam taken on a computer at the RMV or at home if your computer meets the RMV’s requirements. The questions are a random selection from a pool of 300 safe driving questions… and they aren’t easy. You must get at least 18 correct answers in order to pass. You have 25 minutes to complete the test. Read each question and each answer before you select. The wording of the test questions and answers can be tricky, so it is important to go slow and think. Don’t go in cold; make sure you study! If you took our MA Permit Practice Tests, you should have no problem passing your test.
What to Bring to the RMV for Your Learner's Permit Appointment
It’s test day. You’re excited. Nervous. Ready to nail the test. The RMV inspector finally calls your name: “Do you have your Birth Certificate?” Annnnnd you don’t. Nooooooooooooo! Don’t let this happen to you. The RMV requires that you bring and present certain paperwork on the day of your test. Download and print our handy Permit Test Checklist, and make sure you show up with everything you need on test day.
Restrictions & License Eligibility
- Ages 16-17: You must hold your permit for at least 180 days before you can test for your license.
- Ages 18+ : You can schedule your license test as soon as you have your permit.
You can view and download the full list of both teen and adult permit restrictions & license eligibility here.
We hope that you will consider us for your driver’s ed needs when the time comes. We have:
- The most flexible schedules. Start class at any time, take class in any order, at any location
- Affordable prices and flexible payment plans
- Fanatic Customer Service.
Prepare for Your Test With Our FREE Resources
In addition to our permit prep practice test, you can download our Permit Prep eBook, the MA State Driver’s Manual, checklists on what to bring to your permit test, requirements, restrictions & eligibility, how to schedule your test and much more! Visit our permit prep materials page to access everything you need to pass your permit test on the first try!