The Next Street New Enrollment Terms and Conditions

By enrolling in The Next Street’s driver training program and signing this document, I acknowledge that I am permitted to participate in the driver training program administered by The Next Street. I understand that the course will be conducted by a state licensed instructor from The Next Street. I release the school from liability for any accident or injury occurring while driving as part of this program.

Safety and Instructor Discretion

  • The Next Street is committed to ensuring the safety of all students and instructors, which serves as the foundation of our policies and practices. This includes adherence to proper footwear requirements, assessment of weather and road conditions, and maintaining appropriate student conduct to support a safe and effective learning environment.
  • Driving lesson progression is determined by skill-based advancement and individual performance. Instructors tailor lesson plans based on their professional evaluation and the student’s demonstrated learning. The instructor’s discretion ensures that each session is conducted in a safe and productive environment, aligning with our mission to prioritize safety and effective learning.

Age Restriction Guidelines

  • Students must be at least 16 years old to receive credit for any classroom sessions or driving lessons.
  • While school is in session, students under 18 may attend a maximum of 2 hours of classroom instruction on weekdays, 4 hours on weekend days, and 2 hours of driving lessons per day.
  • During school breaks, students under 18 may attend up to 4 hours of classroom instruction and 2 hours of driving lessons per day.
  • Students aged 18 and older may participate in up to 8 hours of classroom sessions and 2 hours of driving lessons per day, unless they are enrolled in secondary school. Secondary school students are limited to a maximum of 4 hours of classroom instruction on weekdays.
  • Students may enroll in a classroom course at age 15, provided the class starts after their 16th birthday. No credit will be given for classes taken while the student is under 16.
  • Those enrolling in the Permit Prep Tutoring Course may be 15 years old or older.

Digital Classroom Policies

Instructors reserve the right to revoke attendance for reasons including, but not limited to; tardiness, disruption, lack of participation, technical issues, leaving early and inappropriate behavior.

  1. Participation: Students must participate in the full 2-hour Zoom session. Instructors will take attendance multiple times. Active participation includes
    responding to questions, engaging in group activities, and completing in-class quizzes.
  2. Parent/Guardian Requirement: Students under 18 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian during the first session.
  3. Signature Requirement: For students under 18, a parent/guardian must sign off on their attendance for the parent class – Session 1 in the Student Portal.
  4. Quiz Requirement: After each session, students must complete and pass a 10-question quiz to demonstrate their understanding.
  5. Display Name: Your full legal name, as it appears on your Learner’s Permit, must be used on Zoom. You may add a preferred nickname after a dash (e.g., James Smith – Jim).
  6. Stable Network: Students must use a stationary device with a stable network. If disconnected more than once, they will not receive credit for the class.
  7. Camera Policy: Cameras must be on, facing the student, and remain steady throughout the class.
  8. Learning Environment: Students must contribute to a respectful and supportive learning environment for the entire class. This includes being seated upright in a well-lit, quiet space, fully prepared to engage and take notes. Distractions, such as participating from a moving vehicle or having an inappropriate background, are not allowed. Research indicates that taking notes by hand significantly improves learning and memory retention. Adhering to these expectations ensures a productive environment for everyone.
  9. Attendance & Punctuality: Students must attend the entire class to receive credit. Attendance checks are conducted at the beginning, mid-session, and end of the class. Students must be actively present at all times. Attendance is tracked and recorded by The Next Street in compliance with regulations set forth by the state regulations.
  10. Focus: Avoid distractions, such as checking phones or multitasking. We encourage students to stay focused, as they will need the same level of focus while driving.


Driving Lesson Policies


Driving lessons must be canceled at least 24 hours in advance. Cancellations made within 24 hours will incur a $100.00 fee. Cancellations can be made via the Student Portal or by calling us at 800-732-8090 during business hours.

Tardiness & Makeups

Students are required to arrive on time for all scheduled lessons. Late arrivals or early dismissals requested by the student will incur a nonrefundable fee. Alternatively, students may choose to forfeit the missed time instead of paying the fee.

  • Up to 30 minutes late: $50.00
  • Up to 60 minutes late: $100.00
  • Over 60 minutes late: The lesson will be canceled, and a $190.00 fee will be charged.

No-Show or Non-Compliant

Failure to attend scheduled lessons, including arriving unprepared (e.g., without permit, required footwear, or corrective lenses), will result in a $190.00 fee or lesson forfeiture. Forfeiture may impact testing eligibility.

Required Items

Students must bring the following items to each lesson, or they will be subject to a $190.00 fee and the appointment will be canceled:

  • A physical permit or driver’s license – photocopies or electronic versions are prohibited.
  • Glasses or contacts if required by a B restriction on the permit.
  • Proper footwear as outlined in the Footwear Policy.

Footwear Policy for Novice Drivers

Safety is our top priority for both our students and other drivers. To ensure the safe and effective operation of a vehicle, novice drivers are required to wear appropriate footwear during driving lessons. Improper footwear can hinder a driver’s ability to operate pedals safely, increasing the risk of accidents. Fully enclosed, sneaker-like shoes are mandatory for all lessons. By adhering to these guidelines, students will be better equipped to focus on mastering driving techniques safely and confidently. Thank you for prioritizing safety during your learning journey at The Next Street.

Required Footwear Guidelines

  1. Full Closure: Shoes must fully enclose the foot, providing proper support and stability.
  2. Well-Fitting: Footwear should fit snugly, without being too tight or too loose, to ensure complete control over pedal movements.
  3. Closed Toe and Closed Heel: Open-toe or open-heel footwear (e.g., sandals, flipflops, or high heels) is strictly prohibited, as it can interfere with safe pedal
  4. Flat Sole: Shoes must have a flat, non-slip sole for consistent contact with the pedals. High heels or excessively thick soles compromise pedal control and are not permitted.

Examples of Suitable Footwear

  • Athletic sneakers
  • Flat, closed-toe casual shoes
  • Low-profile, sturdy boots

Footwear to Avoid

  • Sandals, flip-flops, or slippers
  • High heels or platform shoes
  • Loose, oversized, or ill-fitting shoes

Support Devices

Individuals wearing orthopedic support devices, such as casts, splints, or braces, will be prohibited from all driving lessons and road tests. These devices pose a safety risk during operation of a vehicle, impairing mobility and reaction time.

Cancellation Policy for Medical Reasons:

At The Next Street, we understand that unexpected medical situations may arise, preventing you from attending your scheduled appointment. To support our customers while maintaining the integrity of our scheduling policies, we offer the following option for fee waivers under certain circumstances:

  1. Standard Cancellation Notice: Our Standard policy requires a minimum of 24 hours’ notice for cancellations to avoid a cancellation fee. If you need to cancel for medical reasons and cannot provide the required notice, we may waive this fee upon request and verification.
  2. Medical Verification: To ensure fairness, we kindly request a note from a healthcare provider verifying that the cancellation was due to a medical issue. The note should include:
    • A confirmation that a medical necessity prevented attendance (no specific medical details required).
    • The date of your missed appointment.

Privacy Note: We do NOT require or retain any specific health information. The note should only confirm that medical circumstances prevented your attendance on the appointment date.

  1. How to Submit Verification:
    • Send the doctor’s note via the student portal.
    • Please submit this within 2 days of your missed appointment to qualify for the fee waiver.
  2. Processing Time: Once we receive the verification, we will review and notify you of
    the fee waiver approval within 3-5 business days.

Inclement Weather Cancellations

In the event of inclement weather, cancellations will be determined by The Next Street. We will notify students of any class, driving lesson, or license test cancellations via email and SMS, along with instructions on next steps. For class and lesson cancellations, students are responsible for rescheduling through their Student Portal. License test cancellations will include additional guidance for rescheduling.

No Parents or Guardians in the Backseat During Driving Lessons

We are committed to providing all our students with a safe, professional, and effective learning environment. To ensure the highest quality of instruction and to maintain safety and focus on the driving lessons, The Next Street does not allow anyone besides enrolled students or Next Street personnel in the vehicle during driving lessons. There are no exceptions to this policy. All driving lessons will be conducted with only the student and certified Next Street personnel.

Late Pick-Up Policy

This policy outlines the responsibility of parents or guardians to ensure appropriate transportation arrangements for their students after each lesson. The goal is to maintain a safe and efficient environment for all students and instructors.

  1. Pick-Up and Drop-Off Locations: Lessons begin and end at designated pickup/drop-off locations. These locations are communicated to parents or guardians in advance (can also be found in the student portal) and are intended to facilitate a smooth transition for students into and out of their lessons.
  2. Responsibility for Timely Pick-Up: Parents or guardians are required to arrange appropriate transportation for their students to be picked up immediately at the end of each lesson.
  3. Instructor Waiting Time: Instructors will remain with students for a maximum duration of 15 minutes following the end of their lesson to allow for any unforeseen delays.
  4. Procedure for Late Pick-Up: After the 15-minute grace period, if a parent or guardian has not arrived and no other prearranged transportation is available, the instructor will no longer be responsible for supervising the student. The student will be left at the designated pick-up/drop-off location.
  5. Contact Local Authorities: If the parent or guardian does not arrive within the 15-minute grace period and we are unable to reach them, we may contact the local authorities for assistance to ensure the safety of the student.

We encourage all parents or guardians to plan accordingly and communicate proactively to avoid any issues related to pick-up.


License Test Policies


To be eligible for a license test at a Next Street location, students must complete a minimum of two hours of driving lessons at least five days prior to the test date. No classes or lessons may be scheduled within the five days leading up to the test.

Students are responsible for verifying their eligibility, which includes completing all required classes, lessons, quizzes, and obtaining necessary signatures at least five days before the test date.

Teens – Under 18 Years Old
Must hold learner’s permit:

  • 120 Days if completed the Full Driver’s Education Program
  • 180 Days if completed the 8 Hour Safe Driving Course

Adults – Over 18 Years Old

Must hold learner’s permit:

  • 90 Days and complete 8 Hour Safe Driving Course

Cancellations & No- Shows

License test cancellations must be made 5 days in advance. Late cancellations will incur a $100 fee. This includes a $40 fee The Next Street pays to the DMV on your behalf. No-shows will result in forfeiture of the test service and a $40.00 DMV Fee.

Required Items: As outlined in Driving Lesson Policy
Retest Fees: $150.00 plus $40.00 DMV fee.


Driver’s Education Completion Certificate (e-DEC) Guidelines

The e-DEC will be uploaded to your Student Portal within 5-7 days after completion of the above requirements. To be issued an eDEC, the following must be completed:

  • Pass all classroom quizzes with a score of 70% or higher
  • Parental or guardian signature for Parent Class, for minors
  • Provide a valid CT permit number
  • Complete all required courses
  • Account must be paid in full

Transitioning from CS-1 to e-DEC: As of November 1, 2022, the DMV no longer accepts CS1 certificates. If you previously received a CS-1 and now need an e-DEC, there is a $25 processing fee paid to The Next Street.


Account Deactivation Guidelines

Students have up to 24 months to complete their program. After this period, accounts will expire, and access to services will be discontinued. Unused products will be forfeited. If unforeseen circumstances arise, students are encouraged to contact us to request an account freeze before their account expires.

Payment and Account Balance Policy

All outstanding fees must be paid within 30 days of the assessment date. The Next Street reserves the right to apply the value of any unused products or services toward any outstanding balance, at its discretion and without prior notice. To avoid forfeiting unused services or products, we strongly recommend settling any balances promptly. Please note that any scheduled appointments may be subject to cancellation if there are unpaid fees on the account. Unused products will be forfeited upon account expiration. Completion certificates will not be issued if there is an outstanding balance on the account.

Refund Guidelines

  • Bundles: Non-refundable and non-transferable.
    Example, products that offer a quantity discount such as the Full Driver Education Bundle, 8 & 8 Bundle and the Easy as 123 Bundle.
  • A la Carte: Products purchased within the last 6 months are eligible for a refund, subject to a 10% processing fee.

Payment Plan Guidelines

  1. Billing Errors: The Next Street is not liable for incorrect charges but will resolve any balance errors on the student portal.
  2. Returned Payments: Students are responsible for fees resulting from rejected or reversed payments.

Gift Certificates

Gift certificates can be purchased for any denomination and applied to any of our services. They are non-refundable, non- transferable, and do not expire. However, they may not cover the full cost of enrollment if time has passed since purchase.

Communication Guidelines

If you opt out of marketing communications, you are still responsible for adhering to the content of those messages. All communications from The Next Street, including email and text confirmations or reminders, are provided as a courtesy. While we strive to send timely reminders, The Next Street is not liable for any missed appointments due to the absence of such reminders. It is the student’s sole responsibility to manage their appointments by regularly checking their Student Portal for the confirmed date, time, and location of each appointment.


For the safety of our customers and employees, as well as for training and quality assurance purposes, all driving lessons, classroom sessions, license tests conducted by The Next Street, and phone calls may be video and/or audio recorded. These recordings are retained in accordance with public record laws.