Formerly All-Star Driver

All-Star Driver is now The Next Street. We changed our name to put the high beams on how we’re revolutionizing driver’s education. More than ever, and more than anyone else, The Next Street makes getting your license as easy and as fun as the law allows. Come experience the Best Driving School in Connecticut getting even better. Go ahead to The Next Street.

Same Awesome Team. New Ways to Wow.

The only driving school in CT with a highly-trained Customer Happiness Team to answer all of your questions. No calling someone’s random cell phone, or leaving a message at the beep. Just helpful, knowledgeable humans available every weekday – and Saturday morning too.

More Class Options

No matter where you live in CT or MA, there’s a driving class starting this week  – at The Next Street. Jump in to a class on weekday afternoons, weekday evenings and/or all day on weekends. No missing work, school or any of your daily routine.

The Next Street Difference

We’re taking the driving school experience – which is usually “meh” – and making it memorable. Every team member tries to make your all-around experience outstanding, and transforms a dreaded DMV requirement into something that you’ll happily remember.

"Why? That was the question asked by friends, relatives, even other driving schools, when we mentioned changing the All-Star Driver name. The schools have grown to over 70 locations, and trained over 100,000 drivers in the last decade. Instructor and customer service reviews are at an all-time high. With all these major milestones, it seemed like the time to tell the next generation of drivers that we’re teaching driving better. Quicker. With more fun involved. We realized this plan – to amplify all the great things happening – has been years in the making. Now we’re going ahead. And the people who win because of it are, ultimately, our students."

Brandon Dufour